Wednesday 24 November 2010

Flat Plan of Front cover and Contents Page

To create am over-view of what I want my magazine to look like, I have designed 2 different flat plans for both the front cover and Contents page. I create both flat plans on white paper, then scanned them though to the computer to uploaded the flat plans onto my blog.

My front cover flat plan has a variety of different design techniques that I used. I firstly designed a masthead which is suited at the top of my magazine. This font is bold and attracts the audience to the magazine. The bold font makes the magazine stand out more from other music magazines as the font is very individual.  The font also had a slight pink colouring so that it attracts the target audience as most women like PINK as it is their favourite colour. The additional features around the main image make the magazine look interesting because alot of gossip is inside the magazine.

flat plan:

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