Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Analysis of Music press Images

Nickies images for media

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presentations from nickieroberts.

How does your Images reprsent particular social groups?

While taking these images I needed to remember who these images where aimed at therefore I felt that I needed to ensure that my Target audience felt included in these image's. In these images I had to represent the older generation of teenage girls and women who are in there mid 20'S. Girls and women at this age are very much into fashion, beauty, family and friends, therefore I felt that is was necessary to ensure that these images caught the interest that the targeted audience can relate to. In Many pictures I wanted to portray  women having fun therefore in most images the artist is smiling and I believe this portrays all women in a positive light. As a social group I believe my images are more for the women social group and this is because my images symbolise the interest and representation of women in all photos.

 As well as portraying women in the images, teenage girls are seen in the "youth social group". With youth having a bad stereotype that is mostly portrayed by the media and the older generation I wanted to ensure that none of the images portrayed youth in a negative way therefore I wanted all my images  to break stereotypes of the youth. I think I portrayed this in many ways. Firstly all my images are of an artist having fun and just being happy with her-self. My photos also break stereotypes because is some images the artist is looking away or closing her eyes. Most of the older generation view the younger generation of being over confident and displaying there views and opinion in a wrong manner, however these images break stereotypes because these images view a young girl who is looking away which portrays her as shy and this shows her innocence. This breaks stereotypes because it shows that not all young teens are over confident because some are shy to display who they really are. Therefore I feel that my images do portray women in a positive light while breaking the stereotypes of the young youth of today's society.

I think it is important to break stereotypes as it is unfair to judge every different social group in the same image. By fitting the younger and older generation into each different social group gives away everyone's individuality as every generation is seen as the "same" type of person. By the media oftenly referring to the younger generation as "a joke to society" I think they forgot that there the generation that raised this generation.  I do believe that my images break stereotypes and allows individuals to be who they really are and I believe that this creates a new positive light which represents the younger generation of today's society.  

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