Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Analysis of Prelin Task

Front Cover and Contents Page of Pre-lin Task:

Overall I think the pre-lin task gave me a better understanding of the final outcome that I have to complete of the music magazine. I have found out that it is very important that I have a magazine that is relatable and appeals to to my target audience. I have to create a magazine that entertains and forfills there needs when they read a music magazine.

As a Pre-lin task I had to create a school Magazine which will be read by Teachers, Pupils and their parents.  It was a long process because I have to make many decisions of what will attract Readers to the magazine. I firstly created my font which I made on Photoshop.  I chose a font that stood out and this font was very fun and unique and it have an edger appeal to the Magazine. I then changed the effect of the Writing by adding an outer glow, with a darker bolder line around the font. I then added the color Blue, as Blue is a versatile color as it appeals both Boys and Girls.  While creating the font, there was servail layers of the font, as I was continuously changing the Bold-ness and outer flow of the Font until I found the perfect Balance of Boldness and outer Glow. 
I then had to go around Acland Burghley School to take servial pictures that could be featured in my school Magazine.  I wanted to get images of pupils in their normal school environment; therefore I took pictures of Pupils in Class rooms doing work. Then I wanted to get pictures of the school to show where lessons and other fun activities are taken place and this is why I took photographs of the School Hall and the Football pitch. While taking pictures I also had to get a range of different shots such as Long shots and mid shots to give more of an effect to each of the pictures by taking a range of different shots. 
Once all my photos had been taken, I then uploaded all the photos onto Iphoto, this allowed me to view and inspect the photos I took to determine the best ones to use on my blog.  On Iphoto I got the chance to edit the photos. On some photos I cropped the background of the image as it was not needed. On other photos I edited the photo by lightening the photo or darking the photo to give the photo a better image. 
Once my photos were uploading I then had to make my front cover. To do this I had to add my font which I had already chosen and make this my Masterhead. Then I had to add one of the images as my main image. I chosen my mid shot image because this type of image is better as it gives the audience a closer look to the image.  I then added the strapline to the top of the magazine which additional information such as the school website. Once All the edits had been made my font cover was completed.
Once my font cover was completed, I then had to create my contents page. To do so I had to add the same master head to show consistency to the magazine. This also adds a professional feel. I then labelled the pages with the numbers, this is so it is easier for the audience to navigate around the magazine and to find specific pages they want. If the audience cannot find pages that they want because it doesnt have a clear structure of heading and numbered pages it will cause annoyance tothe audience. This may result in the audience not buying the magazine again. Once this was complete I then added images to give the magazine a lighter feel so that it wasnt all text based, this part of the process appeals more to the pupils.

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