Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Content Analysis of NME and Top of the Pops

As part of the Content Analysis, I had to research what was inside the magazines to see how they were advertising products for the target audience of the magazine. In order for the advertising to be successful, the magazine must advertise and market the correct products so that the target market is attracted. This is important because if it is a product that not many people in the target audience is attracted to then it will not sell. This will show that the advertising has been unsuccessful due the lack of demand for the product. For example, selling sports wear in 'Top Of the Pops' magazine is a product that doesnt appeal to younger girls who have interests in Justin Bieber and makeup. Sport wears beign advertised can be deemed unnapropiate for the target audience the magazine appeals to.

Top of the Pops: 
As the genre for Tops of the pops is young teens, the advertisement price of products is considerably low due to the target audience not having a lot of money as they are still in education. Therefore the products that are advertised must be within the price range so the target audience are able to buy.  “Always” period pads is the leading advertisement and this is because young girls need this product. I believe this is a good product to advertise because it is apropriate product that relates to young girls, it also isnt very expensive.


However In NME, there are more advertisements which are about music which also relates to the target audience. As the target audience for NME is advertised to these older teens/ young adults as they will be able to purchase the advertisments of tickets as they are older enough and because they have more money.  In NME concerts are advertised more in the magazine because they are persuading the audience to go and see these bands as this is the age group that the bands appeals to.  The product that is advertised the least is new technology because the demand isnt high for this product.

NME also promotes many different bands by viewing their new single or their new album which has just been released.  Another way in which NME promotes new artist's are by holding interviews with them which are published in the magazine. Articles also include pictures of the artists.